Thursday, July 21, 2011


I have my first doula client as of this past week--due in a month or so. Very exciting, a little daunting... I'm feeling great about it, though! I've had a couple other interviews with ladies who haven't made their decisions yet, so I might have one to three more clients sign with me in the next week or two. Considering last week I had one of those moments where I thought surely I was messing all of this up, I think things are going to work out fine. Just keep swimming. :)

The weather here finally feels like summer. After the weird coldness of the spring, we entered summer and have now had a week where I muttered to myself way too much that we should never have bought a house without air conditioning (we might have seen 90 degrees one day, so I'm clearly wimping out), and there was even some humidity that week, which was kind of odd. Now we're back to normal summer weather, highs in the upper 70s and lower 80s max with no humidity. Today is kind of cloudy, but I appreciate cloudy days here where they are not the norm. They make me feel as if I'm in London or something.